Home / Premios eTwinning 2010 / Saving the planet based on 50 easy things you can do to save the Earth

Saving the planet based on 50 easy things you can do to save the Earth

2010  |  

Title: 50 easy things you can do to save the Earth

Educational stage: Second cycle in Compulsory Secondary Education 

Subject: Physics and Chemistry / Biology and Geology

Under such a stimulating and universal title, there is an excellent project where students aged 15 to 16 from the Catalan school IES Sòl-de-Riu, coordinated by teachers Florenci Sales and Remei Ibáñez, share with Bulgarian and German students the experience of reflecting upon environmental issues and their negative effect on the present and future quality of life.


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Through the study of topics like renewable energies, global warming or genetically modified foods, students from all three schools have gained awareness of the situation and have then made some practical suggestions. The project is based on the book 50 easy things you can do to save the Earth by John, Sophie and Jesse Javn, a small manual of suggestions for anyone who wishes to make a personal contribution to the conservation of the planet and does not know how to start. Based on this, students have organised and planned various research and action activities.

The planning and organisation work done by the teachers is well reflected in TwinSpace and also through various ICT tools. 50 easy things you can do to save the Earth has chosen to use the Ning community, which is designed as a communication centre for the project, a Web Magazine, where they have published reports about the “eco-topics” developed, and a videoconference system where students have voted and appointed the winner of a contest about logos connected with the environment.

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This video is a good example of collaborative work. It goes beyond the parallel work that is often done and it shows the result of working cooperatively in mixed groups (different nationalities) in order to obtain a final product from various hands. They have chosen the making of videos with joint collaborations from all three schools, where students become actors and main characters of the different “eco-topics” approached and of their own learning.

Without a doubt, ICTs have become essential in this project. They have been present from the planning and creation of activities to the final process of result promotion. Essentially, the tools, collaborative work and the implication of students in such an important global issue have been applied as profitably as possible. For this reason, the project has obtained a well-deserved National eTwinning Award 2010.


Web Magazine

Ning Community

Public Twinspace (former Twinspace platform)

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