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Rubric for a quality project: 6. Results, impact and documentation.

2015  |  


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The ideal starting point in designing an eTwinning project is to start at the end. As if it were a trip, you have to set your destination before deciding the stages; the tangible result we want to achieve before making decisions about the steps that will lead us to it.

The criterion "Results, Impact and Documentation" is the sixth and final criterion of the scale that will lead us to an eTwinning quality project. (Click here  for all criteria).





 The end product of an eTwinning project, presented in digital format, will allow us to determine the objectives and content, both subjects and procedures, necessary to achieve them. We will have to organize and sequence these contents and design procedures to be followed in the various activities, as well as selecting digital tools that will become instruments to achieve this.

A quality factor that distinguishes a project is one that, besides showing the final product, has clearly documented the process, leaving a record or evidence of the different phases of project construction. As part of these documents, we should not forget to indicate the involvement of the various players participating, especially the pupils. In designing the project, we must think of activities that motivate the students and help them get involved in the project construction, making them the real stars.


 Moreover, it is essential to design evaluation tools that can be used to measure the non-visible project results. Instruments that help to measure how the project has increased the skills of teachers, and the skills and knowledge of pupils, as well as favouring the acquisition of basic abilities. And in addition, to evaluating the benefits achieved in the social and personal area through their participation in the project.


Finally, it is advisable to be generous and to share our experience with our immediate surroundings: our educational community, our town, with other teachers and communities, using various resources or areas within our reach to disseminate the project: the school corridors, the school website, local media, social networks. ...

Let’s consider the descriptors of the different quality levels for the ultimate criterion in the Evaluation Scale, in the “Results, impact and documentation" Quality Stamps

0 There are no visible results, pupil activity or project documentation.

1 Poor - Few (procedural or final) results obtained or the results have clearly not been produced by the pupils (but by teachers). Little or no involvement of pupils in activities that have been documented. There is no documentation of the project or this is fragmented.

2 Acceptable - Some results of the project are presented (procedural or final ones), there is an occasional intervention of pupils. The project documentation is incomplete or not consistent with the material presented.

3 Good- Many project (procedural or final) results have been presented, and they have been created by pupils, mostly using basic and appropriate tools. Project documentation includes evaluation (the pupils have at least reflected their views, and which may serve as suggestions for improvement). In addition, there are reflections on the extent to which the objectives have been achieved. The material is consistent with the documentation for the most part and includes some notes on the impact (pupils, teachers and the rest of the community).

4 Very good – A great variety of project results is presented, some of excellent quality, created by pupils with the appropriate tools. The project documentation is complete and includes an evaluation (skills and impact on students, teacher reflections) and shows that the established objectives have been achieved, as well as a favourable impact on the rest of the community. The material presented is consistent with the documentation.


 5 Excellent - There is a great variety of results presented, most of them of exceptional quality. The project documentation is thorough as it outlines the information and evaluation very well (most or all parts of the project), also including information about the impact on pupils and their learning abilities, on teaching abilities and the rest of the community. The stated objectives have been achieved and clearly documented in detail. The material presented is consistent with the documentation.

The project "Taking care of my environment" by the teacher Juan Peñas Viso from the San Babil primary school in Ablitas, Navarra is a clear example of how to develop each of these three aspects: results, impact and documentation. (Access the TwinSpace for the project   from this link )

Documentation: The project begins with a  “Planning”   activity, which clearly shares the objectives, content, activities and final results expected for the project. Furthermore, in the case of this project, the entire TwinSpace turns into clear, structured evidence documenting the entire project development.

Impact: in the actual TwinSpace, in the “Evaluation” activity, the process and results of the evaluation are documented. With the results you can measure the impact that the project has had and the non-visible results derived from it.

Finally, the project has been disseminated in the school and in the environment. The publicity given to the project by all members is documented in a page called  "Dissemination", created especially for this purpose.


Source of images: SNA eTwinning.


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