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European citizen space

2010  |  

In the eTwinning project Espacio ciudadano europeo (European citizen space) done at the IES María Moliner Secondary School in Sevilla and EB 2,3 in Vila Caiz Amarante in Portugal, we can find an activity that turns out to be the perfect example of how to carry out a collaborative action. This activity is called El cambio climático en la Península Ibérica (Climate change in the Iberian Peninsula) and here the contributions of each school result in a quality work, which is also set in the context of the geographical area of each school and with the sense given by the proximity of the regions involved. Climate change knows nothing about frontiers.


In order to take part in an eTwinning project, we do not need to use a common language, and this activity is a good example. Portuguese and Spanish students have used their mother tongues - given they are similar - and this has enriched the work even more.

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Servicio Nacional de Apoyo eTwinning | Proyectos de Colaboración Escolar en Europa
Instituto Nacional de Tecnologías Educativas y de Formación del Profesorado | Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte
C/ Torrelaguna 58. 1ª planta, despacho 141. 28027 - Madrid
Tel: 913778377 | Contactar