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eTwinning kits

Cazatesoros en eTwinning


Imagen_mapa_del_tesoroSe denominan cazatesoros web (on-line treasure hunts) a las actividades donde diferentes participantes siguen una serie de pistas y visitan páginas web o sitios físicos con el objeto de resolver una serie de acertijos.






Blah… Blah… Blah… Chatting to learn languages


Subjets: Foreign languages

Duration: One shcool year

Age group: 10 to 18 years old

Blah… Blah… Blah…  gives students an opportunity to improve their  Foreign Language level using chat sessions. To start with this, it is necessary to select, at least, three languages (one of them must be spoken by every student) and to have two free sessions per week to practice.  The  European Languages Day, 26th September, is the main reason to start with videoconferences. With FlashMeeting, the students can put into practice their Foreign Language knowledges and improve little by little their oral skill. They are the protagonists, and this is the reason why they are in charge of preparing the activities as well. A role play in which some of them play the journalists role and others play the role of cinema actors, sketchs actors or musical performers. June is the closure month. With the summer holidays topic, students will have the occasion to farewell  their partners and say the "Enjoy your holidays, bonne vacances, buone vacanze or buenas vacaciones" depending on the language they have chosen.


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Kitbag to Europe, eTwinning for Leonardo mobilities


Subject: Trainning placement

Duration: A school year

Educational stage: Vocational trainning


The Leonardo da Vinci programme, in its IVT modality aims to promote the mobility of pupils of initial vocational training so that they can experience a training placement in European companies.


This is a unique experience which will make a difference to their whole lives: widening their horizons and expectations. It is therefore important to take the greatest advantage of this mobility, expanding it over time to include more than just the months spent abroad. It should be taken advantage of to get the pupils involved, so that they assume responsibilities, learn to make decisions and become the protagonists of their learning.


ICT tools offer possibilities which were unimaginable just a few years ago to connect pupils who are geographically far apart, to coordinate efforts and to make them feel members of a community where support can be found when facing a mobility project.


This is why we are offering this kit which considers an eTwinning project with regard to the management, coordination and evaluation of a Leonardo da Vinci IVT mobility placement, in which two or more European schools exchange pupils so that they can train in foreign companies’ workplace.


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See a TwinSpace trainning prototype (user: leonardoet; password: leonardoet)


Our days and our nights



Subject: Physics
Duration: A school year
Educational stage: Second cycle of compulsory secondary education

During the project Our days and out nights, the pupils will record the number of hours of sunlight daily during a whole school year and compare them with those that have been recorded in the partner school, interpreting the differences according to the different geographical locations of the corresponding places. For this the project has to include the measurement of the latitude using the observation of the Pole star. It is also necessary for the pupils to bear in mind the existence of time zones related to geographical longitude to determine the official time in the partner schools. The study, depending on the age of the pupils, can be broadened to include the identification and study of the planets, the observation of astronomical ephemerides and the comparison of the night sky in the two localities.

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Gravity here and there


Subject: Physics
Duration: Three weeks
Educational stage: Second year sixth form

The project Gravity here and there aims to make a measurement of local gravitational acceleration with three different laboratory experiments, the final results of which will be presented in digital format (text document, slide presentation, web page, blog, wiki, etc.). Subsequently the pupils from the two twinned schools will exchange the data obtained and interpret the possible discrepancies between them.

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Servicio Nacional de Apoyo eTwinning
Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte | Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas | Contactar
C/ Torrelaguna 58. 28027 Madrid - Tlf.: 913 778 377, Fax: 913 680 709. NIPO: 820-10-018-4