
Teacher rooms

The teachers rooms are made up of a forum and a chat and are created by the eTwinners themselves to discuss specific topics over a short period of time, which can vary from two to six weeks. The teacher Read more ...

I have not received the confirmation email for my registration

Once we have completed the first stage in the eTwinning registration, within a few minutes the platform sends a message to the email address we provided. This message may have been classified and moved to the spam folder. If Read more ...

eTwinning groups

eTwimming groups are platforms for discussing a specific topic, as well as exchanging experience of good practice and sharing material. As well as the groups which study more general questions, like creativity in the classroom or use of the Read more ...

I have changed to a new school. Do I have to register again?

No. If you change to a new school, you have to add this new school to your profile. This way the projects which you have started before will appear associated to the previous school, while those you begin afterwards Read more ...

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Servicio Nacional de Apoyo eTwinning
Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte | Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas | Contactar
C/ Torrelaguna 58. 28027 Madrid - Tlf.: 913 778 377, Fax: 913 680 709. NIPO: 820-10-018-4