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Public and private in the TwinSpace

2011  |  

One of the fundamental characteristics of the eTwinning work platform is the privacy and flexibility that it offers teachers when working with students on the Internet. Many doubts arise when you are working with minors in an “online classroom”. In general we want to make the contents public but not the personal information about the pupils or perhaps their photos although they want to exchange them with their partners at the other school. The teachers may also want to draw up work documents or evaluations which do not need to be available to the pupils even if they are working on the same project.

TwinSpace is the answer for project designs which plan to have private and public contents.

Public and private pages in a TwinSpace

To publish a complete page of activities, we click on the Project Activities tab, so that we can Publish/Hide each activity (TwinSpace page) in the project.More information. For example, we could have a private page (hidden) called Introductions in which the pupils in the partner schools safely share photos, videos or descriptions which help them to get to know each other better at the beginning of the project.



Public and private elements on the same TwinSpace page

We can have activities just to be shared with the partners (hidden) and public activities on the same page. For example, we could make a private forum in which the students debate the way to organize a blog about their surroundings (behind the scenes) and then make it public when they work on the planned task.


Area reserved for teachers

Each TwinSpace is created with a restricted area for the teachers to use, the teachers’ room. It is the perfect place for them to communicate, plan the project tasks or save the classroom management data like evaluations, marks, etc. The pupils also have a “private” area, the pupils’ corner (although the teachers can see the contents they cannot write anything or modify them).

salas de profesores y alumnos

The platform facilitates a very flexible configuration which adapts to any project type. The teachers just have to study the matter and decide which part of the project should be disseminated and which contents should be kept private and safe.

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