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Summary of the meeting "eTwinning 2011: Colaboramos en español"

2011  |  


The "eTwinning 2011: Colaboramos en español" meeting was held in Madrid from 19th to the 21st May 2011 with the participation of teachers of  Spanish Language, Social Sciences, Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Biology and Geology, Physics and Chemistry) from Compulsory and Post-compulsory Secondary Education.


The following countries sent teachers to this meeting: Germany, France, Italy, Malta, Portugal and Spain.

The main objective of this meeting was to get to know eTwinning and make contact with other teachers from the European Union to begin collaborative projects using the eTwinning platform.

This is the Agenda of the Seminar:

Most of the participants think that it has been a productive and varied meeting. The exchange of ideas and experiences has been the base for the creation of projects in Spanish language.

Here you will find a video of the meeting:

Plenary session: La colaboración como eje de los proyectos eTwinning

{flvremote width="300" height="240" img="videos/fotograma_colaboracion.jpg" showstop="true"}http://descargas.pntic.mec.es/internacional/etwinning/Colaboramos_en_espanol/colaboracion_etwinning.flv{/flvremote}

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