The European Talent Show (11-12 year olds)

empezado el 23 de Marzo de 2017 , proyecto en ACTIVO Abrir ficha del proyecto en

Información del proyecto

The pupils will make a video in English to audition for a TV Talent Show. Each school will vote for their favourite video amongst the videos from the other schools (partners) using which is an on-line voting tool. The pupils will speak about the following criteria in their video:- Say their name - Say their age- Say how many brothers and sisters they have got and if they have got a pet animal- Speaking about their parents their names ect- Speak about where they live ... in a small white house, in a big red house (adjectives)- Speak about what they like and don't like- Present their talent.. for example: I can skateboard very well and show in the video how- Say vote for mePupils have to vote for their favourite video using the application and give their arguments for why they like this video the most. I like this video because Pupil A can ski very well.....

  • Materias: Lenguas extranjeras
  • Idiomas: English
  • Edad de los alumnos: 11 - 12
  • Herramientas a utilizar: Twinspace
  • Objetivos: This is a unique opportunity for the pupils aged 11-12 in their first year of English as an Additional language in this small lower secondary school in Alsace to present their talent and to learn abo ... [mostrar todo]
  • Proceso de trabajo: Step 1: The pupils will make a video about their talent to audition to be on a TV Talent Show. The pupils will speak about the following criteria in their video:- Say their name - Say their age- Say ... [mostrar todo]
  • Resultados esperados:The objective is that pupils learn about the talents of pupils in other places in Europe.
Espacio Twinspace: abrir Twinspace del proyecto Abrir Twinspace

Miembros (9)

Poland Szkoła Podstawowa nr 9 w Zespole Szkolno-Przedszkolnym w Łące
Anna Adam
France Collège Des Racines & des Ailes
Teresa Fioretti

Otros socios (7)
Albania Shkolla 9-vjecare Uznove
Italy ICS "I. Calvino" di Alliste
Czech Republic Základní a Mateřská škola Ludvíka Očenáška Dolní Bělá
Finland Niemistön koulu
Czech Republic Základní a Mateřská škola Ludvíka Očenáška Dolní Bělá
Turkey Meryem Abdurrahim Gizer Ortaokulu
Spain Inmaculado Corazón de Maria Abrir ficha del centro (La Rioja)
Alfredo Castilla Cucurella Abrir ficha del docente en
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Servicio Nacional de Apoyo eTwinning | Proyectos de Colaboración Escolar en Europa
Instituto Nacional de Tecnologías Educativas y de Formación del Profesorado | Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte
C/ Torrelaguna 58. 1ª planta, despacho 141. 28027 - Madrid
Tel: 913778377 | Contactar