Home / Training / FAQ - eTwinning registration and user data / How can I change information in my register? Or on my school?

How can I change information in my register? Or on my school?

2010  |  

To modify your personal information, you just need to choose the option My profile on your eTwinning Desktop. Then click on Modify profile. Select the tab ABOUT ME and modify the data you want to change. Don’t forget to click on “Save information”, at the bottom of the screen so the changes are saved. At the end of the process the following message will appear:


To modify the data on your school, you just choose the option My profile on your eTwinning Desktop. Then click on Modify profile. Select the MY SCHOOL tab and modify the data you wish to change. Don’t forget to click on the bottom of the screen to save the modifications. At the end of the process the following message will appear:


Bear in mind that if you modify the data on your school, these changes will affect all the teachers registered from this same school. If you have changed schools, you should go to “Add a new school” and not modify the one you are currently registered at.

For more information, see: http://www.etwinning.es/curso/index.php/Documents 3.c: Desktop

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