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Do you know this story? ¿Conoces este cuento?]

2013  |  

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The project cards allow us to witness the development of many projects, which we monitor and for which we offer technical and pedagogical advice for different tasks; and sometimes we find “little gems” like the project we are presenting here ¿Do you know this story?, which we mentioned in a previous article  artículo de voces eTwinning.





We would like to remind you that teachers from the CEIP Ventura Rodríguez school (Ciempozuelos, Madrid), from the G. Nebbia school (Italia) and the Agrupamento Vertical de Escolas de Aljustrel school (Portugal) are participating in this project. The students are from the Infants and Primary educational levels. The objective is to take advantage of the popular traditional stories of each of the participating countries in a fun manner.


The project has been able, from a multidisciplinary approach, to integrate several areas of the curriculum, among others, Language and Literature, Foreign Languages, Handicrafts, Music and Geography and History. From this enriching perspective, the project promotes an interest for reading and the scenic arts, the students acquire a love for music and the popular literature of other countries, they use a foreign language in a real context for communicating with their partners, and they begin to experience at an early age a European identity and respect for cultural diversity.

It also offers a first contact for the students with ICTs, and as the project progresses they will become familiarized with the blogs and simple communication tools in the TwinSpace, learn to scan the pictures they have drawn and prepare presentations, use attractive tools like Glogster and exchange opinions and ideas using virtual walls like Padlet.


paddlet conoces este cuento

The project also implies a field for experimentation both for the students and the teachers, to enter the world of audiovisual programmes, learning to work with sound, images, video editing and completing the production of charming stories in which all the students from the partner schools collaborate. We could describe the emotion we experience when seeing these videos, which bring back the fondest memories of our childhood, but we prefer to let you judge and enjoy them for yourselves.

San Jorge y el dragón



¡Corre, corre calabaza!

corre corre, calabaza from venturita on Vimeo.

From the NSS we congratulate the participating teachers and students for making the adventure of knowledge an enjoyable, creative and participatory journey. And we hope that you will continue to surprise us with new ideas and challenges for the classroom until the very end of the project.

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Servicio Nacional de Apoyo eTwinning | Proyectos de Colaboración Escolar en Europa
Instituto Nacional de Tecnologías Educativas y de Formación del Profesorado | Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte
C/ Torrelaguna 58. 1ª planta, despacho 141. 28027 - Madrid
Tel: 913778377 | Contactar