Have fun with Green Egss and Ham.

empezado el 21 de maig de 2017 , proyecto en ACTIVO Abrir ficha del proyecto en www.etwinning.net

Información del proyecto

This project aims to give the participants the opportunity of being involved in an international project where they can take into account the value of learning a foreign language to communicate with people from other regions of the world. Also, one of the main purposes is to learn to use the language creatively and realize that when we translate an original version into our own language it loses some meanings.

  • Materias: Ética, Lenguas extranjeras, Geografía, Historia, Lengua y literatura
  • Idiomas: English
  • Edad de los alumnos: 5 - 11
  • Herramientas a utilizar: Audio conference, Chat, e-mail, Forum, MP3, Other software (Powerpoint, video, pictures and drawings), Twinspace, Video conference, Virtual learning environment (communities, virtual classes, ...), Web publishing
  • Objetivos: The main objectives of this project are: -To encourage the use of a foreign language such as English (a working language) as a communicative tool, and learn to value it as a personal and collective he ... [mostrar todo]
  • Proceso de trabajo: -Teachers communicate through the TwinSpace and share their knowledge of technical tool and develop a theme, approach and timeline for the project. -Pupils get to know each other through video confere ... [mostrar todo]
  • Resultados esperados:-Teachers communicate through the TwinSpace and share their knowledge of technical tool and develop a theme, approach and timeline for the project. -Pupils get to know each other through video confere ... [mostrar todo]
Espacio Twinspace: abrir Twinspace del proyecto Abrir Twinspace

Miembros (2)

Spain CEIP MARIA DIAZ DE MUÑOZ Abrir ficha del centro en www.etwinning.net (Castilla y León)
IRENE SANCHEZ ALONSO Abrir ficha del docente en www.etwinning.net
France Ecole Nouvelle d'Antony
Vanessa Quentel
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Servicio Nacional de Apoyo eTwinning | Proyectos de Colaboración Escolar en Europa
Instituto Nacional de Tecnologías Educativas y de Formación del Profesorado | Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte
C/ Torrelaguna 58. 1ª planta, despacho 141. 28027 - Madrid
Tel: 913778377 | Contactar