Let's break the language!

empezado el 25 de març de 2017 , proyecto en ACTIVO Abrir ficha del proyecto en www.etwinning.net

Información del proyecto

The project involves tongue twisters in different languages. The first stage is selecting and choosing the tongue twisters. Then pupils pair up and practise tongue twisters in other languages using ICT tools. Finally there is a competition and choosing the winners.

  • Materias: Arte, Teatro, Lenguas extranjeras, Informática TIC, Matemáticas / Geometría
  • Idiomas: čeština, English, español, polski
  • Edad de los alumnos: 10 - 14
  • Herramientas a utilizar: Chat, e-mail, Forum, MP3, Other software (Powerpoint, video, pictures and drawings), Twinspace, Video conference, Web publishing
  • Objetivos: - developing communication skills- improving language and ICT skills- getting to know new cultures by cooperation with pupils from different country- developing creativity- building team spirit- improving self-awareness
  • Proceso de trabajo: The project is planned for about three months. I'm going to work with my parter about two-three times a week. CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES:1. Introduction - presentations about schools and pupils 9by the ... [mostrar todo]
  • Resultados esperados:The results will be published on TwinSpace and schools' website and in local press. The final products will be: - presentations- recordings- pictures.
Espacio Twinspace: abrir Twinspace del proyecto Abrir Twinspace

Miembros (3)

United Kingdom Hankham Primary School
Sarah Timlin
Poland Szkoła Podstawowa nr 2 im. Marii Konopnickiej w Rawie Mazowieckiej
Dorota Kryczka

Otros socios (1)
Czech Republic Základní škola, Prachovice, okres Chrudim
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Instituto Nacional de Tecnologías Educativas y de Formación del Profesorado | Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte
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