Presentation 2

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Unit 2. Sites

The contents and tools included in eTwinning are organised into three different levels of access and privacy. Firstly, we can find the sites of the Central Service ([1]), such as the National Service ([2]). They are open and can be accessed by any user, whether they are registered in eTwinning or not. Then, we can find the desktop, which can only be accessed by registered users. Lastly, TwinSpace, which is reserved for members taking part in a specific project.

In this unit we shall analyse the phblic sites and we will see how the contents are organised so we can make the most of them and learn to browse them easily. The other two levels will be dealt with in further units of the course.

Sites are designed around three main objectives: información, counselling and visibility. Here we can read about published articles and news connected with eTwinning, thus keeping users up-to-date with what is happening in the programme. We can also see documents, guides and ideas that can be used as a guidance and help for teachers who wish to start an eTwinning project or are alerady working on one, as well as means to communicate with the Central and National Services. Thirdly, the projects that are acknowledged for having a certain level of quality are published in the sites and organised into galleries: projects with national or European Awards, Quality Labels, other projects that are worth promotingp... In addition, there are interviews with teachers, blogs, etc. Both the project galleries and the users' opinions can be used to show good practice and become a source of inspiration and ideas for teachers.

A continuación, analizaremos la estructura y organización del portal del Servicio Nacional de Apoyo y el del Servicio Central. Dividiremos los contenidos en cuatro apartados:

Información y noticias;

Ideas y experiencias;

Asesoramiento y ayuda;

Herramientas de búsqueda.

También veremos algunas funcionalidades no incluidas en estos apartados.

Ten en cuenta que tanto el portal europeo como el español están en un proceso continuo de revisión y mejora. Por eso, es posible que algunas de las imágenes que veas en esta unidad no correspondan exactamente con lo que aparece en las webs.

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