Small Chemical Scientists

empezado el 08 de juny de 2017 , proyecto en ACTIVO Abrir ficha del proyecto en

Información del proyecto

This project aims to stimulate the scientific curiosity of our students, ensuring that they understand concepts of chemistry. Students learn best when they are involved and want to have the opportunity to perform tasks through contact with other realities, reflect on and discuss the results of their experiences.In this project students can share their experiences and their results.

  • Materias: Educación medioambiental, Informática TIC, Lenguas extranjeras, Química
  • Idiomas: English, français, português
  • Edad de los alumnos: 12 - 15
  • Herramientas a utilizar: e-mail, Twinspace, Forum, Other software (Powerpoint, video, pictures and drawings), Web publishing
  • Objetivos: This project aims:Encourage interaction between students from different cities, countries and cultures Wake-interest in the experimental sciences, including chemistry;To promote the scientific culture ... [mostrar todo]
  • Proceso de trabajo: Students make a brief presentation of themselves, their school and the location where they are studying, in TwinSpace.The partner teachers decide together what activities / simulations are chosen to t ... [mostrar todo]
  • Resultados esperados:Students will be able to:Develop curiosity and motivation to learn chemistry; Practice the skills of collaboration; Develop ITC skills;Build bridges with other students.
Espacio Twinspace: abrir Twinspace del proyecto Abrir Twinspace

Miembros (4)

France Collège Matéliane
Claudy Mégy-Tavernier
Portugal Agrupamento de Escolas Miguel Torga, Sabrosa
Susana Fraga

Otros socios (2)
Portugal Agrupamento de Escolas Miguel Torga, Sabrosa
Spain IES LUCAS MARTÍN ESPINO Abrir ficha del centro (Canarias)
José Castañeda-Acosta Abrir ficha del docente en
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