Easter Cards

empezado el 13 de Marzo de 2017 , proyecto CERRADO Abrir ficha del proyecto en www.etwinning.net

Información del proyecto

The exchange of Easter Cards and photos between several countries. The exchange of the knowledge of Easter customs and traditions in Poland and other countries.

  • Materias: Arte, Teatro, Lenguas extranjeras
  • Idiomas: English, español, polski
  • Edad de los alumnos: 6 - 11
  • Herramientas a utilizar: Chat, e-mail, MP3, Other software (Powerpoint, video, pictures and drawings), Project Diary, Twinspace, Video conference, Web publishing
  • Objetivos: 1. Children will improve their speaking and listening skills.2. Children will know their friends' Easter customs, traditions.3. Children will know new European colleagues and will make friends with th ... [mostrar todo]
  • Proceso de trabajo: I'll work with my partner Adriana Fernanderz Diaz. We'll both be working with our students. I'm planning to send these cards by the post office at the beginning of April. They will do the same. St ... [mostrar todo]
  • Resultados esperados:Our final product is an Easter Card describing customs and traditions of our countries, multimedia presentation abou Easter and a recipe for Easter meal from different countries.
Espacio Twinspace: abrir Twinspace del proyecto Abrir Twinspace

Miembros (10)

Spain CEIP Juan XXIII Abrir ficha del centro en www.etwinning.net (Extremadura)
Adriana Fernández Díaz Abrir ficha del docente en www.etwinning.net
Poland Przedszkole nr 3 "Jarzębinka" w Śremie
Kamila Bartkowiak

Otros socios (8)
Slovakia Základná škola Seňa č.507,Seňa
Spain CEIP Juan XXIII Abrir ficha del centro www.etwinning.net (Extremadura)
Joaquín Alberto Pagador Becerra Abrir ficha del docente en www.etwinning.net
Spain CEIP Juan XXIII Abrir ficha del centro www.etwinning.net (Extremadura)
Verónica Sánchez Sánchez Abrir ficha del docente en www.etwinning.net
Turkey ÇINAR İlçe Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü
Romania Liceul Tehnologic Liviu Rebreanu
Poland Przedszkole nr 3 "Jarzębinka" w Śremie
Romania Gradinita cu Program Prelungit Nr. 12, Tulcea
Slovakia Liečebno-výchovné sanatórium
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